Leopard Geckos

Leopard Gecko Impaction: Common Causes & Treatment

Leopard Gecko Impaction: Common Causes & Treatment

Leopard Gecko Heating Pad Temperature Explained

Leopard Gecko Heating Pad Temperature Explained

What's the ideal temperature for the heating pad of your leopard gecko? In this guide, I'll explain this to help you better for a comprehensive understanding.

Leopard Gecko Size: How Big Does a Leopard Gecko Get?

Leopard Gecko Size: How Big Does a Leopard Gecko Get?

In this article, we'll explore different leopard gecko sizes, how big your leopard gecko might get, and factors that will influence its growth and size

Do Leopard Geckos Need UVA or UVB Light?

Do Leopard Geckos Need UVA or UVB Light?

If you're lighting up your leopard gecko's enclosure, should you use UVA or UVB? In this article learn about their differences and which to use.

Where to Put a Heating Pad for Leopard Gecko?

Where to Put a Heating Pad for Leopard Gecko?

Where should you put a heating pad for your leopard gecko when setting up the enclosure? Learn more about that in this informative article.

Do Leopard Geckos Need Heat Lamps?

Do Leopard Geckos Need Heat Lamps?

Does your leopard gecko need a heat lamp inside it's vivarium? Read about this how to keep the temperatures inside optimum for your leo

What Does Leopard Gecko Poop Look Like?

What Does Leopard Gecko Poop Look Like?

What does normal leopard gecko poop and pee look like? In this article, learn about runny poop, yellow poop, green poop, stained poop, and much more

Leopard Gecko Brumation: Everything You Should Know

Leopard Gecko Brumation: Everything You Should Know

Is your leopard gecko in brumation? Read this article to understand this cycle, how to care for your leopard gecko in brumation, and much more

How Often Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko?

How Often Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko?

In this article, learn how often you should feed a leopard gecko based on various factors such as age, size, environmental conditions and much more

Best Substrates for Leopard Geckos: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Substrates for Leopard Geckos: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for good substrate options for your leopard gecko? In this article, we roundup our best substrate materials to use in your Leo's habitat.

7 Leopard Gecko Stress Signs & Common Causes

7 Leopard Gecko Stress Signs & Common Causes

Is your leopard gecko stressed? In this article, see the 7 signs of stress in a leopard gecko and some common causes of stress.

Can a Leopard Gecko Eat Fruit? An Informative Guide

Can a Leopard Gecko Eat Fruit? An Informative Guide

Can your leopard gecko eat fruits? Learn more about that, what happens when you feed it fruits, and much more about feeding your Leo.